About Us
Pacific Medical College & Hospital is a unit of Tirupati Balaji Educational Trust 2025-26. It is spread over an area of 32.14 acres, beautifully landscaped and, surrounded by lush green hills of Bhillo Ka Bedla Pratap pura, National Highway 27, Udaipur (Raj), a ‘B’ class city . This Hospital is a 402 bedded, multi specialty, tertiary level health care center with state of the art equipment, infrastructure & a team of highly experienced, qualified, skilled & motivated technical manpower. The hospital has well established departments both in diagnostic & therapeutic fields as well as in supporting logistics services. The Trust’s Mission is to bring standard health care within the reach of every individual while committed to achieving and maintaining excellence. With this mission, the trust has embarked upon the Medical College Project so as to augment doctor population ratio and make available standard medical facilities to the people of Mewar region in Rajasthan and neighboring areas of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
A total & ongoing commitment to understand patient needs and fulfill these through top of the line healthcare. Mission:- The institute’s mission is to provide outstanding, yet affordable medical care in a patient friendly environment and in a spirit of compassion to all, regardless of race, caste, creed, sex, religion etc. PMCH is a non-profit organization educated to establishing a center of excellence in healthcare and improving the well-being of the community through quality programmes of preventive medicine, medical education and research.
The institute’s mission is to provide outstanding, yet affordable medical care in a patient friendly environment and in a spirit of compassion to all, regardless of race, caste, creed, sex, religion etc. PMCH is a non-profit organization educated to establishing a center of excellence in healthcare and improving the well-being of the community through quality programmes of preventive medicine, medical education and research.
Welcome to PMCH 2025-26
Pacific Medical College & Hospital is a unit of Tirupati Balaji Educational Trust. It is spread over an area of 32.14 acres, beautifully landscaped and, surrounded by lush green hills of Bhillo Ka Bedla Pratap pura, National Highway 27, Udaipur (Raj), a ‘B’ class city. This Hospital is a 402 bedded, multispecialty, tertiary level health care center with state of the art eqipment, infrastructure & a team of highly experienced, qualified, skilled & motivated technical manpower. The hospital has well established departments both in diagnostic & therapeutic fields as well as in supporting logistics services. The Trust’s Mission is to bring standard health care within the reach of every individual while committed to achieving and maintaining excellence. With this mission, the trust has embarked upon the Medical College Project so as to augment doctor population ratio and make available standard medical facilities to the people of Mewar region in Rajasthan and neighboring areas of Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
The Accident & Emergency Department is housed in an independent block of the hospital building with an independent, easy & direct access. It is also ideally located in relation to central laboratory, Dept of Radio diagnosis & Imaging, Intensive care units; patient lifts and has its own dedicated major and minor OT. The department is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a team of experienced casualty medical officers and Nurses. It is self-contained for handling all types of emergencies. The department has 15 bedded male ward, 10 bedded female ward, 5 bedded Gyne & Obs ward and 5 bedded resuscitation/ICU ward. The resuscitation ward is equipped with ICU beds, multi parameter monitors, defibrillator, ventilator, infusion pumps etc. The male & female wards are also provided with monitors and piped oxygen and vacuum. The department’s other areas are a reception & registration, consultation rooms, treatment room, dressing room, plaster room, mobile x Ray room, CMOs rest room, toilet block etc.
There are a total of 30 critical care beds in the hospital. All the beds are modern ICU beds and have multi parameter monitors, piped oxygen & vacuum, shared defibrillators & ventilators. The beds are distributed as 5 beds each for CCU, MICU, SICU, PICU, NICU and 5 in the Emergency Medicine Department’s critical care sec. The ICUs are designed as modules of 5 beds each and confirm to best practices towards reduction of hospital associated infection. Each module is enclosed with fixed glass to function as patient visitor’s gallery. Each bed has a composite bed head unit including power outlets, Oxygen & vacuum outlet and pendant to hold multipara meter monitor. Each patient monitor is linked with central monitoring station of the respective ICU. The Department of Critical care is staffed with qualified Critical Care Specialists, residents doctors and highly trained Nurses in a nurse patient ratio of 1 : 1.
The Department of Medicine has separate Male and Female wards with Central piped Oxygen and vacuum. All wards have a toilet block, pantry, nursing station, duty rooms for nurses & resident doctors. Department has separate 02 x Male and 02 x Female wards each with 30 beds capacity to house a total of 100 beds. The wards are provided with Central piped Oxygen and vacuum. All wards have a toilet block, pantry, nursing station, duty rooms for nurse & resident doctors. The wards are very spacious, well lighted, ventilated and get plenty of day light. The Medicine OPD is housed in an independent block which is well sign posted and is close to the hospital pharmacy and diagnostic facilities. The OPD is self-contained with a total of eight consultation rooms, two demonstration rooms, an injection room, a sample collection room, an ECG room with multi-channel machine, a TMT room, an Echo Cardiography and Colour Doppler room, an EEG room and a central nursing station. The Department has facilities for upper as well as lower GI endoscopy. The department of Medicine provides round the clock cover for all routine and emergency services in the hospital which includes intensive care units, Emergency Medicine Department and cross referrals from all other specialties in the hospital. The department of General Medicine is headed by Prof B. S. Bomb, a physician of national repute and an icon in the city under whom there are other highly qualified and experienced faculty members.
The department of General Surgery is headed by Dr. K. C. Vyas, a highly experienced Surgeon of National repute with exceptional surgical skills as a God’s gift under whom there are other well experienced & competent faculty members. Department has separate 02 x Male and 01 x Female wards each with 30 beds & Central piped Oxygen and vacuum. All wards have a toilet block, pantry, nursing station, duty rooms for nurse & resident doctors. The wards are very spacious, well lighted, ventilated and get plenty of day light. The Surgery OPD is housed in an independent block which is well sign posted and is close to the hospital pharmacy, Physiotherapy Dept, and Radio diagnosis Dept. The OPD is self-contained with a total of eight consultation rooms, two demonstration rooms, a well-equipped minor OT & 02 x dressing rooms. All the rooms are furnished well and there is central nursing station. The main Operation theatre complex of the hospital has a total of nine operation suits including 03 x modular and 01 for all endoscopies. All the suits are fitted with high quality ceiling mounted shadow less LED lights with cameras, pendants for anesthesia work station, monitors & medical gases & vacuum, anti-bacterial flooring, HEPA filters and laminar flow. The theatre is centrally air conditioned and strictly meets the temperature, humidity & number of air changes per hour as required for all types of surgeries. Each operating suit has a separate air handling Unit. All four zones of the theatre are well laid, demarcated and have air locks. The theatre complex is located on the top floor and it is a part of the entire length of front elevation of the hospital. The department provides round the clock cover for all routine and emergency services in the hospital. This includes intensive care units as well as emergency medicine department service. The Dept also provides cross specialty referral service to all other depts in the hospital.
The hospital has a 30 bedded Orthopaedic center with separate male & female wards. The OPD is located on the ground floor. There are four consultation rooms, a demonstration room, a plaster cutting room, a plaster application & dressing room. The OPD is in proximity to the department of physiotherapy. The team of orthopaedic surgeons is experienced, very competent and trained well both at home and abroad. Elective as well as trauma cases are being managed thoroughly professionally. The specialty has a dedicated modular operating suit which has equipment for arthroscopic surgery, joint replacements, spine surgery etc. A sophisticated orthopedic operating table and C arm image intensifier are available. The department is providing orthopaedic services for elective cases in the hospital, emergency services for trauma cases and referral to other departments in the hospital.
The Hospital has a modern Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. There are 30 Obstetric beds and 30 Gynaecology beds. The wards are spacious, well furnished, lighted & ventilated with plenty of day light factor. The department provides round the clock services for routine, elective and emergency Obs & Gynae patients and cross referrals services as and when asked for in other OPDs and female wards. The Obstetrics and Gynecology OPD is on the ground floor, very well sign posted, largely self-contained, easily accessible and close to the patient lifts. There are four good size consultation rooms, an ante natal checkup room, an ultra sonography room, a room for family welfare center, a demonstration room and a room for cancer screening. In addition there is central nursing station & a toilet block. There are separate delivery suits for clean and infected cases. The delivery suite are well equipped with fetal monitors, portable ultra sound machine, warmers, multi parameter monitors etc. The first stage labor and post-delivery rooms are also well furnished. The delivery suite complex has dedicated & attached operation rooms separately for clean and septic cases. The department is carrying out all gynecologic, Obstetric, Uro gynecologic surgeries both open and laparoscopic. Dr Rajrani Sharma, Prof & HOD is heading a team of experienced and dedicated faculty members and nursing staff.
The Pediatrics department has 45 beds. In addition there are 5 beds each for Neonatal & Paediatric intensive care. The PICU and NICU are equipped with state of the art monitoring and therapeutic machines such as ventilators, multipara monitors, photo therapy units, warmers, infusion pumps etc. The Paediatric OPD is well planned and has besides consultation rooms, an immunization room, play area, demonstration room and a counselling room. The vaccination facility is available on all week days. In addition to vaccines covered under NIP, other vaccines as recommended by the Paediatrician are also made available.
Department of Oto Rhino Laryngology is also well equipped with sophisticated equipment & instruments for diagnosis of Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. The department has 15 beds including those for females. Facilities for advanced endoscopic and micro surgery are available. The Oto Rhino Laryngology OPD is housed on the first floor along with that for Ophthalmology and has four consultation rooms, an independent reception cum registration, a procedure room, an audiometry room and a speech therapy room all of which are fully equipped. The Department is headed by Dr PC Jain, a renowned professor with God gifted surgical skills, experience and knowledge.
The Department of Ophthalmology is well equipped with state of the art equipment both at the OPD and Operation theatre. The OPD complex of the Dept has four consultation rooms, a refraction room, dark room,procedure room and a demonstration room. The department has a dedicated ophthalmic operating suite in the main operation theatre complex of the hospital. This suite is equipped with advanced phaeco emulsification machine and operating microscope.
Department of Anesthesiology caters to all the surgical disciplines of the hospital by providing peri-operative care for elective as well as emergency surgeries. The Department is also providing Intensive care and pain management services in hospital. There are a total of 8 operating rooms in the Operation Theatre including those in the Emergency Medicine & Obstetrics Departments. There are a total of 30 beds in various ICU’s. The faculty from the Department is providing lifesaving intensive care in the form of monitoring & supporting functions of vital organ systems of the body such as CVS, CNS, Respiratory, Hepatic, Renal etc 24 x 7. All the ICU’s are well equipped with state of the art monitors, defibrillators, ventilators, blood gas analysis machine, Oxygen & vacuum pipe lines, infusion pumps etc. The Operation theatres are spacious, well designed and meet all standards for maintenance of sterility. All major operating suits are modular. The Anesthesia work stations are advanced 2/3 gas versions and equipped with both invasive & noninvasive monitors and ventilators. All modern equipment such as shadow less ceiling mounted LED lights with cameras, electro hydraulic operation tables, operating microscopes, endoscopes; difficult airway management set, C Arm image intensifier, surgical diathermies etc are available. The operation theatre complex is centrally air conditioned strictly meeting required temperature, humidity, number of air changes per hour and fitted with HEPA filters. The department has a team of highly qualified and experienced Anesthesiologists. In addition to rendering clinical services the Department is also contributing significantly towards administrative responsibilities in the hospital.
The department of Radio diagnosis & Imaging is co-located with the central reception/registration and emergency. It has four X Ray rooms with 300 MA X 01, 500 MA X 01, 600 MA X 01 & 800 MA X 01 static digital and 100 MA X 04 mobile X Ray machines. The 800 MA digital machines have 2 IITV fluoroscopy facilities. The film processing is done through computerized radiography system. The ultra sonography section of the department has two high end color Doppler machines, one volution E8 latest upgraded color Doppler, a mammography machine and two portable machines. The department also has 1.5 Tesla MRI and 128 Slice dual source CT scanner with angiography capability.
The Central Laboratory has three sub departments ie Pathology, Microbiology & Bio Chemistry. Pathology has sections for Histopathology, Cytopathology, Hematology & Clinical Pathology. The sections in Microbiology are Bacteriology, Virology, Mycobacteriology, Immunology, Serology, Parasitology & TB Culture. All routine & special tests are performed every day.
The hospital has an ultra-modern; Licensed Blood Bank which provides whole blood and components for our patients. All the blood donors are volunteers including patient relatives. The blood bank is also augmented by organizing blood donation camps on its own as well as in collaboration with local NGO’s. All the donors are medically examined and blood so collected is strictly screened for HIV, HBsAG, Malaria parasite etc. The blood bank staff is also medically examined periodically for infectious diseases. The services of the bank are available round the clock. The department is equipped with latest “Apheresis Apparatus” to provide single donor platelet facility.
The Dept OPD has facilities like Laser Ablation, Bleaching, and Dermal Biopsies for diagnosis and treatment of chronic illnesses. The department is providing cross referral services in the OPD and cover to Critical Patient in ICU like steven johnson syndrome, drug reactions etc. The department also has 10 beds for indoor treatment of patients.
Today physiotherapy also known as physical therapy is the most important rehabilitation service needed in a community and vital therapeutic supplement of the medical profession integral to the treatment of most patient. Physiotherapy may be defined as a science that seeks to improve movement dysfunction, promote optimal health and functions of the human body.
The PMCH is integrated with laded super multispecialty hospital. The department of physiotherapy is equipped with excellent facilities and is able to administer from basic to most advanced foam of therapy. Physiotherapy department of PMCH is running successfully from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. It is well equipped with advanced modalities like scanner laser, long wave diathermy, ultrasound therapy, short wave diathermy. Tens, interferential therapy etc.
Exercise therapy lab Spread on the floor of square foot, the state of the art exercise therapy lab as highly sophisticated equipments and expert in physiotherapy to care for the patients. The following specialties run under exercise therapy department
- Musculoskeletal physiotherapy unit
- Neurological physiotherapy unit
- Low back pain unit
- Pain relief unit
- Cerebral palsy rehabilitation unit
- Special care program for diabetic patients
- Reconstructive surgery rehabilitative unit
- Scanner laser unit
- Long wave diathermy unit
- Short wave diathermy unit
- Advanced ultrasound with due frequency head
- Interferential therapy unit
- Transcutanous electrical nerve stimulation( TENS )
- Paraffin wax bath
- Hydrocollateral pack unit
- Faradic galvanic stimulation
- I.R.R
- U.V.R
Equipped with modalities of latest technology using international standards. The department serves to relieve pain, promote healing and alleviate inflammation & strengthen muscles. LONG WAVE DIATHERMY Long wave diathermy is much better & superior modality for relieving pain, compared to Short wave diathermy & Ultrasound. Few points about long wave which makes it better treatment modalitycompared to SWD & Ultrasound:-
- Long wave works at 1 MHz, whereas Short wave works at 27.12 MHz, since long wave has less frequency, there will be minimal loss of energy.
- SWD produces heat dye to molecular friction, which causes tissue destruction.
- Long wave has power output of just 25 watts, where as SWD generates 250 to 1000 watts of power.
- Unlike SWD, Long wave will not produce any interference with other equipments.
- Long wave can be used, with patients having metal implants.
- Heat generated due to Long wave, will remain for 45mins.
- Long wave has deep penetration of 40mm.
- Unlike Ultrasound, Long wave will not have any irritation to boney parts.
- Most of the energy remains in high density tissue like ligaments tendons. So very effective in ligaments & tendon tear.
- Wave Length: 300 meters.
- Frequency: 1 MHz
STEAM BATH THERAPY Benefits of Steam Bath Therapy
The benefits of a steam bath have been known and practiced for centuries. Steam baths today are renowned for purifying and detoxifying the body, stimulating the immune system, increasing blood circulation, and promoting physical and mental well being. Steam Bath the Ultimate Cleanse Nothing releases toxins from the body with the same precision as the steam bath. The soothing warmth opens the pores, which lifts out the impurities of everyday living. Soft, supple and healthy skin minus the use of harsh chemicals is the conclusion. Steam Baths Promote Good Health Home steam baths are great for promoting good health. Allergy sufferers often turn to daily steam bath therapy as steam inhalation supports the respiratory system and may help sufferers to alleviate their sinus afflictions. Relax Muscles in Steam Bath Tranquility Steam baths generate heat, which in turns helps aching muscles to relax, widening the blood vessels, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to flow through them, and in turn releasing tension. Many users feel that the heat generated by steam causes the whole body to slip into a state of inner sanctum rendering steam baths perfect for those who suffer from arthritis or consistent muscle pain. Steam Baths are Eco Friendly Steam showers conserve more water than the regular shower or bath. With green concerns on the rise, steam bath units take only two gallons of to power a 20 minute steam bath as opposed to regular showers which can consume 30 gallons of water. Taking a steam bath is responsibly green! Steam Bath Dream Relaxation inducing steam bathing is known to help promote a better night’s sleep, resulting in a more revitalized you. SCANNER LASER LASER is abbreviation for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Scanning LASER Therapy consist of highly precise LASER Optics system to deliver LASER energy to a given area of treatment. The LASER optics is driven by LASER reflecting mirrors mounted on very high motor controlled by microprocessors. This system allows the user to quickly set the area of treatment & thereby easily deliver even dose of laser energy to a given area without the need of an operator. Scanning laser is the best method of treating all types of wound, burns and superficial pains such as LOW BACK PAIN Today LASER is one of the most sophisticated methods of treating chronic wounds, ulcers, diabetic foot etc. Many sports injuries such as tennis elbow, golf elbow,supraspinitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome can be very affective treated with LASER. Common pain problems such as low back pain, neck pain,spondilitis and osteoarthritis can also be treated effectively with LASER. ULTRAVOILET RADIATION Psoriasis, cancer, Antibiotic effects, Acne,Wound healing (both infected & non infected) vitamin D synthesis.
We are Providing Pacific Medical College Hospital Rajasthan Udaipur Admission 2025-26 From Rajkot, Surat, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Palanpur, Junagadh, Jamnagar, Dwarka, Morbi, Kutch, Amreli, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Gir Somnath, Banaskantha, Bhuj, Ankles war, Gujarat, India 2025-26, if you are looking then get in touch with us !