
About Us

The College got recognition from Council of Homoeopathic System of Medicines 2017, Punjab in 1975, the year of its foundation. The foundation stone of Homoeopathic Hospital, in the heart of town, was laid by S.Balwant Singh, then Finance Minister,Punjab on 21st Sept.1979 and inauguration ceremony was performed by Sh.Joginder Paul Pandey, then Health Minister Punjab on 21st March 1982. The institute owes its sincere gratitude to Lions club Abohar and Seth Badri Nath Khanna Charitabe Trust who took reins of this institution in 1987 and remain associated upto 30th Sept. 1990 and since then the institute has got privilege the Patronage of Bhai Kanhaiya Sewa Society(Regd) Goniana Mandi, under whose care 35 esteemed institutions have been flourshing all over India. The institution owns its in-door Homoeopathic Hospital with 300 mA & 100 mA X-ray’s machines ,semi auto-analyzer for Lab.investigations, new buildings of in-campus Girls & Boys hostles along with Principal residenceWe, at Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital Abohar have set an objective of imparting advanced and specialist knowledge to students. We’ve worked hard, and always will, to achieve our goals of awakening the minds of medical students who opt for this field, and provide them all the technical information they require to become truly great, enthusiastic, and skillful homoeopathic doctors and bring constant positive changes in the world. Our team of highly motivated and hard-working teachers is full of specialist knowledge. We always begin with most basic concepts, ensuring that concepts in much easier, methodical and interesting ways. We attempt our very best to pass on our advanced knowledge to our students, and also sow the seeds of curiosity in the minds of students, making them thirsty for more and more knowledge, which leads them to practical researching (with our best assistance, whenever required), which ultimately results to them becoming successful in their career objectives and prove to be the best.


Why Us 2019-20

At Homoeopathic Medical College 2017, what we matter the most is high quality teaching. Our top priority and the main objective, that we work very hard to achieve, is to deliver the right education to students. Our current students have proved it, by scoring distinctions in the University examinations. Our teaching staff has extensive clinical background and experience. The clinical training that we offer is excellent and is aided with top-notch medical instruments, and expertise guidance. When it comes to medical science, we strongly believe that practical knowledge is extremely crucial, keeping that in mind, we attempt to enable the students to successfully apply their theoretical knowledge practically, through advanced clinical training. We also regularly host seminars, which are delivered by distinguished Homoeopathic professionals from all over the region. The institution aims to add M.D.(Hom.) course from the current session. The necessary approvals, like NOC from Punjab Govt, consent of affiliation from university, approval from Central Council of Homoeopathy have been obtained and the Govt. of India nod is awaited. Aside from best quality education, extra curricular activities are also another aspect of academic education that we consider just as Important as any other. Each year, tournaments of cricket and other sports are held in our institute. Extra-curricular & sports activities enable the students to maintain a well-balanced life, and do the right thing at the right time. More than one thousand of our former students are very well settled in their profession and have succeeded in becoming distinguished doctors even in the most competitive fields, all over India. Alumni Association has been constituted since 2004, and regular alumni meets have been organised since then.


Chairman 2019-20

S. Tara Singh is heading, Homeopathic Medical College, Abohar in the capacity of its chairman. He has to his credit, academic degree of post graduation in Pol. Science & Post Graduate Diploma in Personal Management & Industry Relations. He has worth commendable experience of 26 years in the field of education, construction industry. He took a pledge to materialize the dream of Late Mahant Tirath Singh Ji, to convert the existing campus of Homoeopathic Medical College, Abohar into a university. As a first step towards this, he played a pivotal role, in establishing “Homeopathic Medical College”, which happens to be his brain child. The institute will surely stand as a rock of gibraltar in the times to come, under his able guidance.



Mr. Sanjeev Bajaj is holding a coveted post of Registrar of the institute. He has to his credit, academic qualification of M.A. English, L.L.B. & L.L.M. Moreover, he has, a standing of around 12 years, in academic as well as general administration. He happens to be instrumental in the establishment of HMC & will remain a force to reckon, for the future endeavors.


Course of study 2019-20

The Degree course of BHMS (Degree) shall comprise a course of study spread over a period of 5 ½ yrs., including compulsory internship of one year duration after passing the final degree examination. On successful completion of the internship and on recommendation of the Principal of the Homoeopathic College concerned, the concerned university shall issue the degree to such candidate.


Admission to Course 2019-20

Minimum qualification: No candidate shall be admitted to the BHMS(Degree) course unless he/she: Passed the intermediate science or its equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as his subjects, Attained the age of 17 years on or before 31st December of the year of his admission to first year of course. Blind (including color blind) deaf and/or dumb candidates shall not be allowed for admission in the course.


The Curriculum 2019-20

Subjects: Subjects for study and examination for BHMS (Degree) course shall be as under: Anatomy Physiology including Biochemistry Organon of Medicine, Principles of Homeopathic Philosophy & Psychology Homeopathic Pharmacy Homeopathic Materia Medica & Therapeutics Pathology & Microbiology Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Practice of Medicine Surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology Community Medicine Case taking and Repertory


Extra Curricular 2019-20

Seminars Chart competition Quiz competition SPORTS Cultural programmes Educational Tours Project work of different subjects.


Eligibility criteria for admission in BHMS Course 2019-20

Candidates must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 40% marks taken together in PCB & also in Physics, Chemistry and Biology ( PCB) in 10+2 examination i) If PAET qualified candidates are not available then out of the PAET appeared candidates shall be admitted on the basis of his/her marks in the PAET. ii) If the PAET qualified/ PAET appeared candidates are not available both from the university and on open advertisement, then the candidates who have appeared in PAET shall be admitted on the basis of their score in 10+2 or equivalent examination. If even such candidates are not available , then those who have not appeared in PAET will be admitted on the basis of 10+2 or equivalent examination. Even if such candidates are not available, the candidates other than belonging to Punjab shall also be considered subject to the condition that all such admissions are made on merit in a transparent manner after giving proper public notice. No.of intake of BHMS Course at Homoeopathic Medical College Abohar No.of intake: 70 Admission to Private institutes Govt. quota: 50% Management quota: 50%( including 15% NRI quota) Reservation: for Private institutes The reservation in private institution ( In Government quota seats) will be as under i) Schedule Caste: 25% (SC candidates shall be eligible to apply for Post metric scholarship and reimbursement of fee if they fulfill the terms & conditions laid down by welfare deptt., Punjab Govt.) ii) Backward Classes: 5% Note:The Backward class certificate must be as per the latest instructions of Govt.of Punjab. iii)Physically handicapped orthopaedically handicapped as per CCIM guidelines) 3% (Disability 50% to 70%)to be determined at the time of interview by a duly constituted board of specialty of orthopaedics consisting of the heads of the departments of the three state medical colleges. Reservation for physically handicapped shall be 3% out of which 1% each shall be given to the 3 categories of handicapped falling under visual impairment. Hearing impairment and the orthopaedically handicapped iv)Migrant from Jammu & Kashmir due to terrorist violence : 1% See official website of the Guru Ravidas Ayurved University, for more information



Admission Inquiry